
From time to time, I like to post on various topics. Typically, my thoughts flow into the following categories:

Metaphysical Meanderings — As you can read in the “About me” section, I am a philosophical thinker at heart, so this section is for posts which wander about in the big ideas and issues of life, God, the universe, and other related subjects. [Active Category].

Personality and Spirituality — One of the first steps of personal and spiritual growth is to follow the ancient dictum: “Know thyself.” Two of the most popular methods of personality typing are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Enneagram. While a “type” is certainly not the place to end personal growth, it is sometimes a helpful place to start. Come and read some posts about how differences in personality may affect differences in spirituality too. [Active Category]

Adventures in Centering Prayer — Centering prayer is the foundation of all other spiritual practices for me, so I like to write and comment on it often. In this section, I will deal with common issues that arise in the practice of centering prayer, and I will write about some of my personal experiences as well. If you are not sure what I mean by “centering prayer,” please head over to the Spiritual Advising section of this site. In that section, I have free instructions about how to begin practicing this type of prayer. [Inactive Category]

Book Reviews — These book reviews present different spiritual writings, both primary and secondary, which I have personally felt to be valuable. In other words, if you’re looking for books which help you dive deeper into the life of the spirit, then try some of these writings out! [Inactive Category]

Looking toward Sunday… —  As an Episcopalian, I follow the Revised Common Lectionary. In this section, I would like to offer you some thoughts on the upcoming Gospel passage for next Sunday. Some food for thought…material for meditation…please take or leave it as you see fit. [Inactive Category]